Slackline on eräänlainen nuorallakävelyn muoto, joka on lajina levinnyt viime vuosina varsin laajalti. Luvassa slackline-työpajaa yliopiston kirjaston viereisellä nurmella, johon voivat osallistua kaikenikäiset!
Slacklining is a fun sports where we try to balance and walk on a tensioned piece of webbing (”flat rope”). It is different from tight rope (e.g.) walking because our webbing is flat, a lot more dynamic and less tensioned then a tight rope. Slackling can be practiced almost everywhere and there are numerous different disciplines such as longline, trickline and highline.
If the circumstances allow it you will also be able to try some slacklining yourself outside, in the area of the library at ground level.